Dec 30, 2019
It was an epiphany, of sorts, for Greg Garman. In 2015, after 18 years at the same firm, including several as managing partner, he came to believe that most firms operated under a broken business model. Within weeks, he and several colleagues left the firm to start a smaller, more innovative practice, and he began to develop the concept for LawClerk, a marketplace where solos and small firms can hire freelance lawyers to assist them with specific projects.
Now CEO of LawClerk, Garman -- who started the company together with his law partners Talitha Gray Kozlowski and Kristin Tyler -- has a vision for someday building it into the largest backbone provider of legal services in the United States. More importantly, he believes LawClerk will disrupt how small firms hire and how freelance lawyers get work -- providing both firms and freelancers greater profitability and flexibility.
In this episode of LawNext, Garman joins host Bob Ambrogi to discuss why he believes LawClerk provides small firms with a better option for staffing their firms, one that he says will enable them to be more profitable while charging their clients less. He also shares his thoughts about the business of law more broadly and how he sees the industry evolving.
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