Aug 15, 2018
It was around the world in 40 days – the legal tech world that is. Earlier this year, Dera Nevin traveled to 19 destinations in 15 countries on six continents over 40 days, meeting with legal hackers and legal entrepreneurs all over the world. The trip, in conjunction with the Global Legal Hackathon, taught her lessons about legal technology and innovation on a global scale, and even taught her something about herself.
In this episode of LawNext, Nevin – who is now writing a book (maybe two) about her trip – describes how she came to embark on this trip, her objectives starting out, where she went, what she saw, and what she learned. Perhaps her biggest takeaway was that there are universal themes to the problems legal technologists are tackling and the obstacles they face.
Nevin was most recently e-discovery counsel and director of e-discovery services at Proskauer Rose in New York. Before that, she was managing counsel, e-discovery, at the TD Bank Group, and earlier was an e-discovery attorney at several law firms. Now, in addition to writing her book, she is teaching the course, Taxonomy of Innovation, in the Global Professional LLM program at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law.
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